Monday, April 6, 2009

Maya making a funny face

I think we surprised Maya!! She is always giving us great expressions!

Friday, March 20, 2009

First Movie!

Today Maya went to the movie theater for the first time. She did not make a peep the whole time mom and dad were so happy!

Bath time

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

January 25,2009 Baby Maya was born

My water broke at home on the 24th around noon. We went to the hospitol on the 24th around six o'clock and delivered the next day close to two o'clock . Papa Jim, Aunt Brenda and daddy were in the room for the delivery. Molly, Emma, Kaily, and uncle Jeremy were in the hall waiting to be the first visitors.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's a girl!

Sept. 9th we had our first ultrasound and discovered that we would be having our third girl. Molly and Emma were there and we were all so
excited to see Maya on the screen. We were also told that there seemed to be fluid around her lungs that was cause for some concern. This took away from the days excitment alittle for mom as I tend to worry. We celebrated the news of gender by taking the family to breakfest at dads favorite IHOP. As for Mayas lungs we were referred to a neonatal specialist and a neonatal cardioligist. Many months later we learned that the problem self corrected and was no longer a issue.

Molly and Emma were so happy to hear that we would be having a baby. It seemed like every birthday, Christmas or holiday they asked for a baby for the past few years. To hear that there was a baby on the way made there day. Maya is very lucky to have two big sisters that lover her so much.

Mom and dad were so excited to tell all the family and their friends!

Ten weeks pregnant with Maya